What to Bring
You'll be provided with a course manual and exercise materials, including pencil, highlighter and tape flags.
You may wish to bring a notepad for personal use.
You should NOT bring a laptop for use in the classroom, as each student's work area is equipped with a computer.
You should NOT bring your company's database with you, unless you have pre-arranged a private conference
scheduled outside of class times (or you are attending a Focus session).
Each computer has internet access, so you may check your email or connect to your company's network remotely.
However, you may not load any personal software on the classroom computers.
In order to maximize your learning experience, please notify family and co-workers that you will not be checking
email frequently, and that your cell phone will be turned off during class times,
which are 9:00am to 12:30pm and 1:30pm to 5:00pm CST.